Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Does anyone else ever have the problem where every day feels like the one before?

Day in and day out its always the exact same routine. It's so tiring and boring.

What happened to my exciting life?! I mean don't get me wrong I absolutely love my life.

I have an amazing job, an amazing house, an even better roommate...Plus all of our children.

But lord have mercy if it isn't all the same day after day after day!

I am getting so bored with my life. It makes me want to do something...different...exciting...thrilling!

Like maybe another tattoo...or get my nose pierced...I dont even know I just want something new!!!

Maybe I'm just getting burned out at work. It has been a bit stressful lately.

And home life with a bunch of animals and tons of messes (which currently cant be helped) is always stressful too.

My health is not where it usually is either.

Money is super tight right now too...which it would be nice if it wasnt so that I could have a little leway to do something that I enjoy.

IDK I guess i am jut burnt out.

How do you even get un burnt out?

I know I used to go buy new clothes or get a new piercing or a new book...but being broke i cant do that.

How do you renew life on a budget?! hahaha

On a happier note, Megan is coming into town this weekend and Kayla is coming next weekend. I can not WAIT to see them both. Esp Kayla. I AM SOOOO EXCITED!
