And he is really helpful and understanding of the cf. He even came and stayed me during my last hospitalization. He encourages me to exercise and do all my treatments. He is truly the best. I am truly truly blessed!
O! We went to his home for Christmas. Which is Denver Colorado. I got to meet his family and see where he grew up =) That was a lot of fun. His parents are super awesome and it was sooo much fun. We went shooting, and saw movies, and just relaxed. Had a great vacation and a great Christmas!! Colorado is for sure a beautiful state!! I had never been there before and got to see a lot of things that I honestly had never thought I would see, or even of seeing.
These are just a few of the pics I took. It was definitely beautiful countryside!!

After getting back from Colorado, I went with my family down to Disney world for their Marathon weekend. My oldest sister was turning 25 and my mom 50 and they wanted to run the 13 mile. This is a pretty big deal since my sister wasnt supposed to make it that far. And it was a lot of fun!! I was so happy to see my sisters and my whole family together again. It gets lonely here without them. But that was so much fun. It was awesome to be in Disney again and I can't wait to go back!
It certainly got me motivated to start exercising and running. Which at my last doctors app my lung functions had gone up 3 points from when I had gotten my iv taken out back in august. But my health is really why I wanted to write this blog today. Last week I got a cold, and I have not been able to shake it. It has settled quite comfortably (for the cold) in my lungs. My cough is awful, and I cant get rid of it. My lungs feel like their functions have dropped at least 10% since I got this cold. I have been put on oral antibiotics...but this is really a downer for me.
I havent had the energy to go running...or do anything. Just typing this is wearing me out. I can't stand feeling this bad...and from a stupid cold. I am 22 years old. Why do I have to go through this?!? All I want to do is go home and cry. But anything like crying and laughing and laying down leads to coughing, which then leads to no breath. I can't even sleep without taking some sort of cough suppressant..or else i am up all night coughing. This is hell. And it depresses me. I don't want to go back in the hospital.
How do you even process feeling this bad!? I can't not work...I have to pay the bills...So staying home isn't an option...but working is not helping me to feel any better. Am I getting to that point in my cf life that I have to take a step back and focus just on my health? Sacrificing my job, and probably my mental health in order to stay home and take care of myself?! Is it getting there? Or is this just one of those fun times when I just got lucky and got the one virus that is going to land me in the hospital.
Idk its all so stupid. All I know is that I am exhausted and dejected and weak...and just need a pick me up. I get my meds today though so I am hoping that will help and I don't have to go into the hospital. Though I can't imagine cipro and tobi helping me...they never really do.
On a side note...my puppy, Hachi, is almost two. He is the other man in my life =) he is the best dog ever. haha

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