Does anyone remember those movies?? The Two Towers and United 93, the ones about the events that happened on 9/11. Up unil today...i have never been able to watch them...i was scared i guess... So i came home exhausted and when i get that way i get weepy...so i wanted to watch a sad movie so i would cry...i guess i picked the right one...the damn thing hadnt even started yet and i was already crying. I remember that day. I was in 5th grade, Longhill elementary...it was my friends bday...almost my bday...was looking forward to turning...what...11?? At my school they didnt turn on the tvs like other schools...they kept everything as normal as possible, the only weird thing was that kids were getting checked out left and right all of a sudden. When i finally heard the news, i remember being frightened, my brother was in the reserves at the time...i knew he was going to have to fight...and i was scared that they would call my mom back into the military ( though that was a foolish thought...but i was little lol ). I never knew how much of an impact that would have on me. I mean look at me now..my best friends brother died because of it, her dad is currently in iraq because of it. My brother in law, and the kid that im dating will be deploying in august because of that God forsaken day. What is wrong with people anyway that these things cant be settled without fighting?? If Clinton had just killed binladen when he had the chance...this all could have been avoided!
But it did happen...so what now?? 8 years later, i finally get up the courage to watch a movie thats been out for 3 years, and i realized...how often do I tell my boyfriend that im proud of him?? how often does my brother in law know he is being prayed for?? What about all the other military men and women, do they know that the citizens of the United States are still backing them up?? Still supporting them and praying for them?? Do they know that we are proud of each and everyone of them??
I dont believe they do. See America has gotten lazy...this i am not proud of. I think, now that the war is drawing closer to being over with, people think that the troops dont need the encouragement. But they do...they always do. If they didnt have the people back home, what would they fight for? If they didnt feel our support, would they even make it home??
It seems unfair. Why did steven have to die?? so me and kristen could become best friends?? thats a horrible reason, so why did he have to die??
What about mr. ochsner?? Why was he killed??
What about all the other 2,794 people that were killed on 9/11...why did they have to die?? Because some foreign terrosist decided to screw over America??
I fell useless...I want to hurt all the people that hurt my country, my home, my family. But i cant do anything, but right a stupid, and pathetic blog.
I really need to get some sleep...
But it did happen...so what now?? 8 years later, i finally get up the courage to watch a movie thats been out for 3 years, and i realized...how often do I tell my boyfriend that im proud of him?? how often does my brother in law know he is being prayed for?? What about all the other military men and women, do they know that the citizens of the United States are still backing them up?? Still supporting them and praying for them?? Do they know that we are proud of each and everyone of them??
I dont believe they do. See America has gotten lazy...this i am not proud of. I think, now that the war is drawing closer to being over with, people think that the troops dont need the encouragement. But they do...they always do. If they didnt have the people back home, what would they fight for? If they didnt feel our support, would they even make it home??
It seems unfair. Why did steven have to die?? so me and kristen could become best friends?? thats a horrible reason, so why did he have to die??
What about mr. ochsner?? Why was he killed??
What about all the other 2,794 people that were killed on 9/11...why did they have to die?? Because some foreign terrosist decided to screw over America??
I fell useless...I want to hurt all the people that hurt my country, my home, my family. But i cant do anything, but right a stupid, and pathetic blog.
I really need to get some sleep...